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Externally Funded Projects

External Funded Projects


Name of Scheme



1.Cluster FLDs on Pulses under NFSM

2.Cluster FLDs on Oilseeds under NMOOP

3.Swachatha Action Plan


5.ICAR-Outscaling of Natural Farming

6.DoECC-Creation of Miyawaki model forest demonstration unit at KVK Palakkad

7.Skill Development Training

8.Drone Technology Demonstration

9.Establishment of District Agromet Units (DAMU)

10.DAESI Programme

11.Annual Plan-Establishment of Extension centers for tribal areas.

12.Annual Plan-"Network Project on Soil loss estimation and monitoring in the highland ecosystems of Kerala for effective conservation planning”.

13.Annual Plan - Development of a botanical formulation for the management of major viral disease in chilli and tomato.

14.Annual Plan-“Bioefficacy of capsule formulation of Trichoderma sp. And Pseudomonas fluorescens against plant pathogens in different AEUs of Kerala”

15.Annual Plan-“Network project on development of AEU based PoP recommendation of major crops of Kerala” at various stations

16.Development of plant protection Diagnostics App”– DoE, Mannuthy




English Arabic French German Hindi Italian Russian Spanish


Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerala Agricultural University
Mele Pattambi (P.O.)
Palakkad Kerala 679306