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Externally Funded Projects

External Funded Projects


Name of Scheme



1.Cluster FLDs on Pulses under NFSM

2.Cluster FLDs on Oilseeds under NMOOP

3.Swachatha Action Plan


5.ICAR-Outscaling of Natural Farming

6.DoECC-Creation of Miyawaki model forest demonstration unit at KVK Palakkad

7.Skill Development Training

8.Drone Technology Demonstration

9.Establishment of District Agromet Units (DAMU)

10.DAESI Programme

11.Annual Plan-Establishment of Extension centers for tribal areas.

12.Annual Plan-"Network Project on Soil loss estimation and monitoring in the highland ecosystems of Kerala for effective conservation planning”.

13.Annual Plan - Development of a botanical formulation for the management of major viral disease in chilli and tomato.

14.Annual Plan-“Bioefficacy of capsule formulation of Trichoderma sp. And Pseudomonas fluorescens against plant pathogens in different AEUs of Kerala”

15.Annual Plan-“Network project on development of AEU based PoP recommendation of major crops of Kerala” at various stations

16.Development of plant protection Diagnostics App”– DoE, Mannuthy